
An update on Senate Bill 3201, or the Communicable Diseases Penalty Upgrade Bill

Garden State Equality appreciates the efforts of law enforcement leadership and our elected officials for taking the time to hear our concerns regarding the original Senate Bill 3201. We invested significant time and resources engaging in dialogue with stakeholders, leveraging relationships in the legislature, and working with law enforcement leaders to remove some of the most troubling provisions of the original bill. However, even with these changes, we are unable to be in a position of support and feel it fails to address the underlying issues it seeks to remedy by keeping law enforcement professionals safe.

Instead of making a safer environment for law enforcement professionals, which we support, it just creates policies that drive up incarceration rates for individuals already committing crimes, without providing a real solution. We are especially troubled by the inclusion of a mandatory blood draw, which is unnecessary and invasive.

While we understand the intent behind this legislation, we believe it is both misguided and harmful. Our state needs policies that prioritize true safety and justice for all members of our community, rather than enacting measures that escalate punishment without addressing root causes.

Garden State Equality remains committed to advocating for meaningful reforms that promote safety and fairness for everyone. We understand that the bill has further been amended this week and look forward to viewing the new amendments upon concurrence vote.

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